Expanding Your Horizon, Generation After Generation
Open house/inspection:
Located at: The Metzger Warsaw Location: 2653 E. US 30, Warsaw, IN 46580
Collector Cars & Motorcycles • High Quality Advertising: Signs, Neons, Clocks, Displays, Thermometers, Collectibles • Petroliana • Guns, Knives, Ammo • Coin-Op Games • Toys & More!
Live, Simulcast Auction: Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 10 am est.
Located at: The Metzger Warsaw Location: 2653 E. US 30, Warsaw, IN 46580
Contact us to Consign Now! Call: 260-982-0238 • Text: 260.572.8117 • email: [email protected] or Tim Pitts call/text: 317-714-0432
10% Buyer's Premium Added to each winning invoice • Tax Will Be Collected, if Tax Exempt, please fill out tax exempt form in our docs section and email in or bring to the auction
Live, Simulcast Auction: Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 10 am est.
Located at: The Metzger Warsaw Location: 2653 E. US 30, Warsaw, IN 46580
Contact us to Consign Now! Call: 260-982-0238 • Text: 260.572.8117 • email: [email protected] or Tim Pitts call/text: 317-714-0432
10% Buyer's Premium Added to each winning invoice • Tax Will Be Collected, if Tax Exempt, please fill out tax exempt form in our docs section and email in or bring to the auction
5 Winchester Model 61-22 .22 S/L/LR Rifle
10 Central Arms Co. Model NMN 12 Gauge Break-Action Shotgun, 30" Barrel
15 Stevens Model 58C .410 Gauge Bolt-Action Shotgun, 23.5" Barrel
20 Hatsan Model 95 .22 Cal Rifle - Made in Turkey with Optima 3-9x32 Scope
25 H&R Model 733 .32 S&W. L. 6 Shot Revolver with Soft Case
30 Ruger Model Vaquero .45 Cal 6 Shot Revolver with Hard Case
35 Mossberg Model 9200 12 Gauge Shotgun with 25.5" Barrel US Shooting Team Special Edition
40 Smith & Wesson Model T/C Compass 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle
45 Radical Firearms Model RF-15 Multi-Cal Rifle, Chambered in 5.56x45 with Extra 30 round Magazine
50 Marlin Firearms Model 7000 .22 LR Rifle with Micro-Groove Barrel & Butler Creek 4-12x40 Scope - has scratch in wood on stock
55 Savage Model 110L-D .243 WIN Left-Handed Bolt Action Rifle with Weaver K10-C3 4-12x40 Scope
60 Arex Model Delta L 9mm Pistol with Extra Grips, 1 Extra Magazine, Small Cleaning Kit, and Hard Case
65 Taurus Model Spectrum .380 Auto Pistol with 1 Extra Magazine
70 SCCY Model CPX-3 .380 Auto Pistol with 3 Extra Magazines and ArmaLaser TR10
75 Bersa Model Thunder 380 .380 Auto Pistol with Hard Case
80 Charter Arms Model Pit Bull 9mm 5-Shot Revolver with Extra Grips, Madhouse Nylon Holster, and Hard Case
85 Girsan Model MC 39 9mm Pistol with 2 Extra Magazines
90 Taurus Model 856 Ultra Lite .38 Spl. + P 6-Shot Revolver - Made in Brazil
95 Ruger Model MAX-9 9mm Pistol with 1 Extra Magazine
100 Taurus Model 850 .38 Spl. 5-Shot Revolver with Speed Loader
105 Ruger Model EC9s 9mm Luger Pistol with TR9 Laser and 2 Extra Magazines
110 Ruger Model EC9s 9mm Luger Pistol with TR9 Laser and 2 Extra Magazines
115 Beretta Model PX4 Storm 9mm Pistol with Belt Holster, Belt Magazine Holder, 2 Extra Magazines, and Extra Grips
120 Cobra Model CB380 Derringer .380 Cal. Pistol - NEEDS WORK, with Extra Grips
125 ASM Black Powder .44 Cal. 6-Shot Revolver with Octagon Barrel, Made in Italy with Break Free Collector Gun Wipes
130 Walther's Selbstlade 6.35 Cal. Pistol with Leather Holster
130a Vintage FIE Italy Cal. 45 Black Powder Muzzleloader Serial #21295
135 I.J.A. & C. Model IJ Target Sealed 8 .22 Cal. 8-Shot Revolver with Modified Leather Holster
140 Danton 6.25 (.25) Cal. Pistol with Leather Holster
145 North American Arms Model NAA-22MC .22 MAG 5-Shot Revolver with Hard Case and Extra 5-Shot Cylinder
150 C.A.I. Model 1895 Russia 7.62 x 38R Cal. 7-Shot Revolver with Custom Wood Box and Extra 7-Shot Cylinder
155 Colt Model Police Positive Special .32-20 WCF 6-Shot Revolver
160 H&R Arms Model H&R 922 .22 Cal 9-Shot Revolver
165 Iver Johnson .38 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver
170 Colt Model New Police 32 .32 Cal. 6-Shot Revolver, chipped grip
175 Iver Johnson Model 1900 .22 Cal 7-Shot Revolver
180 H&R Model 930 .22LR 9-Shot Revolver with Leather Holster
185 H&R Model Young American Double Action .32 S&W 5-Shot Revolver
190 Deutsche Werke 6.35mm Pistol
195 Hopkins & Allen Model 1901 .32 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver
200 Smith & Wesson Model 10-5 .38 Spl. 6-Shot Revolver with Leather Holster
205 Savage Arms .32 Cal. Pistol
210 Bauer Firearms Corp. .25 Cal. Auto Pistol with Leather Holster
215 US Revolver Co. .22 Cal. 7-Shot Revolver
220 US Revolver Co. .22 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver with Leather Holster
225 Renard .25 Cal. Pistol with Fabric Holster
230 Harrington & Richardson .38 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver with Leather Holster
235 J. Stevens Model Marksman 12 .22 Cal. Single-Shot Pistol
240 Harrington & Richardson .32 Cal. 6-Shot Revolver
245 Hopkins & Allen .32 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver
250 Hopkins & Allen Model Blue Jacket No. 2 .32 Cal 5-Shot Revolver
255 Defender .32 Cal. Revolver - needs work
260 American Bull Dog .32 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver w/ Octagon Barrel
265 Hopkins & Allen Model Blue Jacket No. 2 .32 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver, needs work
270 Hopkins & Allen Model XL No. 3 .32 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver
275 Marlin No. 32 Standard 1875 .32 Cal 5-Shot Revolver - has broken grip, needs work
280 Safety Hammer Double Action .38 Cal. 5-Shot Revolver, Grips not attached, needs work
285 Harrington & Richardson .32 Cal. 6-Shot Revolver
290 Hopkins & Allen Model No. 822 8mm Rifle, Broken/Repaired Stock
295 Remington Arms .22 Cal Rifle, Cracked Stock
300 Winchester Model Defender 20 Gauge Shotgun with 18" Barrel, Camo
305 Savage Model Mark II .22LR Rifle
310 Ruger Model 10/22 Carbine .22LR Rifle with threaded barrel and sight mount
315 Remington Model 541-T .22 S/L/LR Rifle with Scope Mount
320 Bergara Model B-14 .22LR Rifle with 2 Extra Magazines
325 Colt Model M-4 Carbine .22LR Rifle with Nylon Sling and 6 Assorted Capacity Magazines
330 Ruger Model 10/22 .22LR Rifle with Fabric Carrying Case, Magazine not included
335 Springfield Armory Model Saint Victor Multi-Cal Chambered in .300 BLK Rifle with Fabric Carrying Case and (2) 30 Round Magazines
340 Ruger AR-556 .556 NATO Rifle with Sight Mounts and Bulldog Tactical Carrying Case, Magazine not Included
345 Ruger Model Precision 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle with Pelican Rolling Hard Case, magazine not included, Lever Not Attached
350 Colt Model Mark IV Series 80 Combat Commander Colt .45 Auto Pistol with Fabric Carrying Case
355 Browning 9mm L Pistol, Made in Belgium, with Fabric Carrying Case
360 Glock Model 40 Gen 4 10mm Auto Pistol with Extra Magazine and Hard Case
365 Remington Model Speedmaster 552 .22 S/L/LR Rifle with Weaver 22 Tip-Off Scope
370 Marlin Model No. 30-G 16 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun with 27.5" Barrel
375 Marlin Model 60 .22LR Rifle with Tasco 4x15 Scope
380 Stevens Model 311E Side-by-Side 12 Gauge Shotgun with 26" Barrel
385 Hatsan Arms Escort Magnum 12 GA shotgun, 28" barrel with extra choke
390 Rohm model RG 10 .22 short 6 shot revolver with leather holster
395 Ruger American 9 mm pistol with two magazines, two grips & hard case
400 CMC Black Powder .45 Cal Pistol
405 Mauser model M96 American .243 win Rifle with Centerpoint scope 9 x 50
410 Harrington and Richardson ultra slug 12 gauge shotgun with Bushnell Banner scope 3x9, 24" barrel
415 Springfield J. Stevens model 94B 12 Gauge shotgun, 34" barrel
420 Ithaca model M – 66 super single 12 gauge shotgun, 22 1/4" barrel
425 Marlin model 60 W .22 LR Rifle
430 Hopkins and Allen 12 gauge shotgun, 32" barrel - has damage on stock
435 Remington Woodmaster model 742 .30–06 SPRG Rifle with scope rings
440 Savage arms model B double barrel 12 gauge shotgun, 30" barrel
445 Steyr-Mannlicher-L .308 Win Rifle with Buckmaster 3-12x44 Scope
450 Remington model 1100 12ga shotgun, 25" barrel
455 Remington model 760 .30-06 SPRG Rifle
460 Remington model 121 .22 S/L/LR Rifle
465 Winchester model 97 12ga shotgun, 27" barrel
470 Winchester Ranger model 120 12 GA shotgun, 28" barrel
475 Remington Wingmaster model 870 16 GA shotgun, 28" barrel
480 Remington Wingmaster model 870 .410 GA shotgun, 25" barrel
485 Remington Wingmaster model 870 LW 28 GA shotgun, 25" barrel
490 PW arms model M 91/30 7.6 2X 54R Rifle with sling & bayonet
500 Marlon model 39A .22S/L/LR Rifle
505 H&R arms model 22 special .22LR 9 shot Revolver
510 Savage model 101 .22LR single shot pistol
515 H&R Arms model 922 .22 LR 9 shot revolver w/ octagon barrel
520 Colt Model Woodman .22 LR pistol with hard case
525 Beretta model 96G .40 Cal pistol with hard case
530 Ruger model Vaquero .45 Cal 6 shot revolver with hard case
535 Knight model MK-85 Black Powder .54 cal rifle with box, scope rail
540 Thompson Center arms model renegade black powder .50 cal rifle with sling
545 Ruger model super Blackhawk .44 mag 6 shot revolver with holster
1000 Benjamin PHP Discovery .22 Cal 14.3gr. Lead Airgun Pellets - 500 count
1001 Crosman Premier Piranha .22 Cal 14.3 gr. Airgun Pellets - 400 Count
1002 Crosman Premier Domed Ultra Magnum .22 Cal 14.3 gr. Airgun Pellets - Approx. 90 Count
1003 .22 Cal. Airgun Pellets - approx 60 Count
1004 Federal Multi-Purpose 20 Gauge Shotgun shells - 25 rounds
1005 Remington Game Load 20 Gauge Shotgun shells - 25 rounds
1006 Remington Game Load 20 Gauge Shotgun shells - 25 rounds
1007 Winchester Super Speed Game Loads 20 Gauge Shotgun Shells - 25 rounds
1008 Winchester Super Speed Game Loads 20 Gauge Shotgun Shells - 25 rounds
1009 Winchester Super Speed Game Loads 20 Gauge Shotgun Shells - 25 Rounds
1010 Winchester Super Speed Game Loads 20 Gauge Shotgun Shells - 25 Rounds
1011 Metal Ammo Box 12"L x 7"H x 6"W
1012 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1013 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1014 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1015 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1016 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1017 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1018 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1019 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1020 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1021 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1022 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1023 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1024 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1025 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1026 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1027 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1028 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1029 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1030 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1031 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1032 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1033 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1034 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1035 Hornady .22 Hornet 35 gr. V-MAX Varmint Express Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1036 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1037 Partial Box Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 13 Rounds
1038 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1039 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1040 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1041 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1042 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1043 Hornady .22 Hornet Varmint Express 35 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1044 Sellier & Bellot .22 Hornet 45 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1045 Sellier & Bellot .22 Hornet 45 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1046 Sellier & Bellot .22 Hornet 45 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1047 Sellier & Bellot .22 Hornet 45 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1048 Sellier & Bellot .22 Hornet 45 gr. Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1049 Winchester Supreme .22 Hornet 34 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1050 .22 Hornet Assorted Ammunition - approximately 65 Rounds
1051 2 Shooters Ridge .22 Hornet Plastic Magazines
1052 Champion .22LR 25 Round Plastic Magazine and Ram-Line 30 Round Plastic Magazine (fits Ruger 10/22 - 77/22)
1053 (2) .22 WMR/.17HMR Magazines, unknown capacity
1054 (2) .22 WMR/.17HMR Magazines, unknown capacity
1055 (2) .22 WMR/.17HMR Magazines, unknown capacity
1056 .410 Gauge Belt with 20 Rounds Shotshells, Avid .22 Bore Cleaner, Black Powder Tools, Scope Cap, 12-410 Gauge Mate, and 50 Cal Bullet
1057 Nikon Prostaff Rifle Scope 3-9x50 Matte BDC
1058 Leupold M8- 6x42 Scope
1059 Stoeger Airguns 4x32 Scope
1060 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1061 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1062 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1063 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1064 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1065 Winchester 25 Auto 50 gr. FMJ Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1066 Partial Box Winchester .25 Auto 50 gr. FMJ Ammunition - 41 Rounds
1067 Sellier & Bellot .25 Auto 50 gr. FMJ Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1068 CCI TNT .17 HMR Varmint Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1069 CCI TNT .17 HMR Varmint Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1070 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1071 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1072 CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR Troy Landry Special Edition 40 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 200 Rounds
1073 CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR 40 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1074 CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR 40 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1075 CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR 30 gr. Jacketed Hollow + V Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1076 CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR 30 gr. Jacketed Hollow + V Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1077 Partial Box CCI Maxi-Mag .22 WMR 30 gr. Jacketed Hollow + V Point Ammunition - 48 Rounds
1078 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 28 gr. Jacketed Tin Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1079 Partial Box Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40gr. FMJ Ammunition - 45 Rounds
1080 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1081 Partial Box Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 45 Rounds
1082 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1083 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1084 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1085 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1086 Winchester DynaPoint .22 WIN MAG 45 gr. Hollow Point Copper Plated Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1087 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1088 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1089 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1090 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1091 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1092 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1093 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1094 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1095 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1096 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1097 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1098 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1099 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1100 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1101 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1102 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1103 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1104 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1105 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1106 Hornady V-Max .17 HMR 17 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1107 Federal Classic .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1108 Federal Classic .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1109 Federal Classic .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1110 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1111 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1112 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1113 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1114 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1115 Federal .40 S&W 155 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1116 Federal .40 S&W 135 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1117 Remington No. 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1118 Remington No. 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1119 Remington No. 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1120 Remington No. 9-1/2 M Magnum Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1121 Remington No. 6-1/2 Small Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1122 Remington No. 9-1/2 M Magnum Rifle Primers 1000 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1123 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1124 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1125 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1126 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1127 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1128 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1129 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1130 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1131 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1132 Partial Box Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 45 Rounds
1133 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1134 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1135 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1136 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1137 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1138 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1139 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1140 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1141 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1142 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1143 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1144 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1145 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1146 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1147 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1148 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1149 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1150 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1151 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1152 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1153 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1154 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1155 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1156 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1157 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1158 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1159 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1160 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1161 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1162 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1163 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1164 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1165 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1166 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1167 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1168 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1169 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1170 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1171 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1172 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1173 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1174 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1175 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1176 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1177 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1178 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1179 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1180 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1181 Winchester Super X .22 LR 40 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1182 Partial Box PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 14 Rounds
1183 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1184 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1185 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1186 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1187 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1188 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1189 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1190 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1191 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1192 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1193 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1194 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1195 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1196 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1197 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1198 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1199 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1200 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1201 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1202 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1203 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1204 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1205 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1206 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1207 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1208 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1209 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1210 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1211 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1212 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1213 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1214 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1215 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1216 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1217 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1218 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1219 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1220 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1221 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1222 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1223 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1224 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1225 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1226 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1227 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1228 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1229 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1230 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1231 PMC X-Tac 5.56mm 62 gr. LAP Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1232 Winchester Primers Large Pistol for Standard or Magnum Pistol Loads 10 boxes of 100 Primers
1233 CCI Large Rifle Primers No. 200, 10 boxes of 100 Primers
1234 Winchester Primers for Standard Small O.E.M. Primers 10 boxes of 100 Primers
1235 Winchester Primers No. WSP Small Pistol for Standard Pistol Loads 10 boxes of 100 Primers
1236 Winchester Primers No. WSP Small Pistol for Standard Pistol Loads 10 boxes of 100 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1237 Winchester Primers No. WSP Small Pistol for Standard Pistol Loads 10 boxes of 100 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1238 Winchester Primers No. WSP Small Pistol for Standard Pistol Loads 10 boxes of 100 Primers (Vacuum Sealed with Silica-Gel)
1239 Remington Premier Primers No. 209 for Shotgun Shell Primers 5 boxes of 100
1240 Federal Small Magnum Pistol Primers No. 200 10 boxes of 100
1241 Winchester 20 Gauge Game & Target Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1242 Winchester 20 Gauge Game & Target Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1243 Winchester 20 Gauge Game & Target Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1244 Winchester 20 Gauge Game & Target Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1245 Partial Box Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 18 Shotshells
1246 Partial Box Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 22 Shotshells
1247 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1248 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1249 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1250 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1251 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Shotshells
1252 Partial Box Winchester Super X 20 Gauge Ammunition - 24 Shotshells
1253 Winchester Super X 20 Gauge 8 shot Upland & Small Game Loads - 25 Shotshells
1254 Remington 20 Gauge Game Loads - 25 Shotshells
1255 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1256 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1257 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1258 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1259 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1260 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1261 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1262 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1263 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1264 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1265 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1266 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1267 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1268 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1269 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1270 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1271 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1272 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1273 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1274 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1275 Colt Firearms 5.56mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1276 Magpul PMAG 10 7.62 x 51 Gen M3 Magazine
1277 Magpul PMAG 10 7.62 x 51 Gen M3 Magazine
1278 Magpul PMAG 10 7.62 x 51 Gen M3 Magazine
1279 Magpul PMAG 10 7.62 x 51 Gen M3 Magazine
1280 Orlite-Eng Co. 5.56 mm Magazine, Unknown Capacity
1281 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1282 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1283 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1284 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1285 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1286 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1287 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1288 B.F.I. 5.56 mm Magazine - Unknown Capacity
1289 Brass .45 ACP Ammo Assortment - unknown quantity in tote 14" x 10" x 7"
1290 Brass 9mm Ammo Assortment - unknown quantity in tote 14" x 10" x 7"
1291 Brass 9mm Ammo Assortment - unknown quantity in tote 14" x 10" x 7"
1292 Brass .40 S&W Ammo Assortment - unknown quantity in tote 14" x 10" x 7"
1293 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1294 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1295 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1296 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1297 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1298 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1299 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1300 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1301 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1302 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1303 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1304 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1305 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1306 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1307 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1308 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1309 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1310 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1311 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1312 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1313 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1314 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1315 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1316 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1317 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1318 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1319 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1320 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1321 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1322 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1323 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1324 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1325 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1326 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1327 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1328 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1329 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1330 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1331 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1332 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1333 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1334 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1335 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1336 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1337 Remington 22 Subsonic .22LR Hollow Point 38 gr. Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1338 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1339 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1340 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1341 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1342 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1343 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1344 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1345 Winchester Super X .22 WIN MAG 40 gr. Varmint and Small Game Jacketed Hollow Point Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1346 Armscor Precision .22 Long Rifle Solid Point Ammunition - 10 Boxes, 50 rounds Each
1347 Armscor Precision .22 Long Rifle Solid Point Ammunition - 10 Boxes, 50 rounds Each
1348 Uncle Mikes Sidekick Holster - Size 10
1349 DMP EZ Limb-Foam Gun Rest 1/2”Lag Screw, 3” Length
1350 DMP EZ Limb-Foam Gun Rest 1/2”Lag Screw, 3” Length
1351 DMP EZ Limb-Foam Gun Rest 1/2”Lag Screw, 3” Length
1352 Winchester .308 Win Ammunition - 20 rounds
1353 Winchester .308 Win Ammunition - 20 rounds
1354 Winchester .308 Win Ammunition - 20 rounds
1355 Winchester .308 Win Ammunition - 20 rounds
1356 Hornady Superformance Match 5.56NATO 75 Grain Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1357 2-Lucky Dog nylon Lanyard with Gun Smithing Tools
1359 Hunting Scent Assortment
1360 Stainless Steel Multi Tool Pocket Knife
1361 Multi Tool Pocket Knife
1362 Multi Tool Pocket Knife
1364 Multi Tool Pocket Knife
1365 Hoppes 12 Ga Shotgun Cotton Swab & Phosphor Bronze Brush, Pyrodex 50Cal .50Grain Pellet
1366 Hornady Bore Driver FTX .50 Cal Ammunition - 20Count
1367 Remington Gun Club Target Loads 12 Gauge Ammunition - 25 Plastic Shot Shells
1368 Winchester Super X 12 Gauge Rifled Slug Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1369 Winchester Super X 12 Gauge Rifled Slug Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1370 Federal Grand Slam 12Gauge Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1371 Hodgdon Triple Seven Easy Clean Muzzleloading Propellant 50/50 100 Pre Formed Pellets
1372 Federal ShotShell Primers No.209A - 100 Primers
1373 Thompson/Center Maxi-Rall .50Cal Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1374 Federal American Eagle 9MM Luger Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1375 Federal American Eagle 9MM Luger Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1376 Hoppes bore snake shotgun cleaner
1377 Hoppes rifle and shotgun cleaning kit
1378 Magnum Universal gun cleaning kit
1379 Reload items and Pouch
1380 Bullard leather holster
1381 Cytac Clip on holster
1382 York cutlery made in germany hunting knife 4" blade with leather sheath
1383 UST survival parahatchet 4" blade with fire starter and cloth sheath
1384 UST ParaCuda FS Machete with Fire Starter 11" blade
1385 UST Paraknife FS 3.0 Fixed Blade Knife 3.25" blade with cloth sheath and fire starter
1386 Rio Game load 12 Gauge Ammo - 7 Rounds, Hornady .38 Special Ammo - 10 Rounds, Remington .22 Ammo - Approximately 30 Rounds
1387 Remington Rifle Cartridge Core-Lokt .30-06 Springfield 180 Gr. Ammo - 20 Rounds
1388 Remington Rifle Cartridge Core-Lokt .30-06 Springfield 180 Gr. Ammo - 20 Rounds
1389 Federal pistol Cartridges .38 Special 158 Grain Lead Bullet Ammo - 33 Rounds
1390 Fiocchi 38. SPL WAD CUT Ammo - 44 Rounds
1391 Geco .38 Special 158Grain Lead Round Nose Ammo - 50 Rounds
1392 Master-Match .38 Special Match Ammunition Reloads - 31 Rounds
1393 Ultra max Ammunition .38 Special 125 Grain Conical Nose Lead Ammo - 50 Rounds
1394 Remington Dale Earnhart Jr. 12 gauge 8 shot hi speed game loads - 25 Rounds
1395 Winchester 12 gauge game and target lead loads - 25 Rounds
1396 Estate 12 gauge shotgun shells - 25 count
1397 .38 special Ammunition Assortment - 50 count
1398 We the people munitions co .45 long colt ammunition - 50 rounds
1399 Caliber. 38 special Ammunition - 50 count
1400 Scope grips
1401 Leather ammo belt 43"
1402 Ammo clip
1403 7.62 x54 caliber Ammunition - 100 Rounds
1404 Ammo Pouch
1405 Ammo Pouch
1406 Plano Field Box 11”x5”x7”
1407 Winchester .30-06 Springfield Ammunition - 20 Rounds with NCN Case-Card
1408 Winchester .30-06 Springfield Ammunition - 17 Rounds with NCN Case-Card
1409 Springfield .30-06 ammunition - 12 Rounds
1410 Fiocchi Ammunition .45Colt Smokeless CenterFire Ammunition - 43 Rounds
1411 Magtech Cowboy Action Loads .45 Colt Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1412 Magtech Cowboy Action Loads .45 Colt Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1413 Magtech Cowboy Action Loads .45 Colt Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1414 Magtech technological Advanced .45 Colt CenterFire Cowboy Action Loads - 50 Rounds
1415 Winchester .45 Colt Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1416 Winchester .45 Colt Ammunition - 50 Rounds
1417 Hornady Ammunition .44MMG Ammunition - 1 Round, 14 Cartridges
1418 Hornady Ammunition .44MMG Ammunition - 10 Rounds
1419 Hornady Ammunition .44MMG Ammunition - 20 Rounds
1420 Winchester Super X .410 GA Rifled Slugs Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1421 Winchester Super X .410 GA Rifled Slugs Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1422 Winchester Super X .410 GA Rifled Slugs Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1423 Winchester Super X .410 GA Rifled Slugs Hollow Point Ammunition - 5 Rounds
1424 Winchester Super X Long Range .410Ga Ammunition - 25 Rounds
1425 Estate high velocity 28 guage hunting load shotgun shells - 25 count
1426 Estate high velocity 28 guage hunting load shotgun shells - 25 count
1427 Winchester .40 S&W 165 grain Ammunition - 8 rounds and 35 cartridges
1428 Winchester .40 S&W 165 grain Ammunition- 50 rounds
1429 Federal Ammunition .38 special Ammunition - 32 rounds
1430 Sig Sauer .38 super auto 125 grain Ammunition - 50 rounds
1431 Winchester .38 special super match 148 grain lead wad cutter Ammunition - 30 rounds and 9 cartridges
1432 Browning 12 Guage BXS solid expansion tipped sabot slugs - 5 rounds
1433 Browning 12 Guage BXS solid expansion tipped sabot slugs - 5 rounds
1434 Browning 12 Guage BXS solid expansion tipped sabot slugs - 5 rounds
1435 Hornaday STS 12 Guage 300 grain shotgun shells - 4 rounds
1436 Hornaday STS 12 Guage 300 grain shotgun shells - 5 rounds
4997 Holly Wood Pinball Machine, Made by Chicago Dynamic Company, Does not turn on - Located in Basement - PICK UP AT ALTERNATE LOCATION IN HUNTINGTON, IN
4998 1977 Atari Middle Earth Pinball Machine, Turns on, but has a stuck ball - Located in basement - PICK UP AT ALTERNATE LOCATION IN HUNTINGTON, IN
4999 Seelburg Select-O-Matic 200 Juke Box, Model HF100R, Plays 45s, Wall mount record selectors included, Turns on, but record is stuck - Located in basement - PICK UP AT ALTERNATE LOCATION IN HUNTINGTON, IN
5000 Telechrom St. Joseph Aspirin Electric Clock (face is cracked) Ashland, MA 14.5"
5001 Telechron Drink Dr. Pepper Clock "Good for Life!" Ashland, MA (no bezel) 14"
5003 Coin Operated 1 Cent Vending Machine with Key
5009 Lighted Drink Coca-Cola Square Clock with Boat Tail Face with Paint Loss 15"
5013 Super Sohio Anti-Freeze Contains Permanent Ingredient, Long Lasting Value! Thermometer 9"
5014 Grapette The Juicy Soda Pam Electric Clock - New Rochelle, NY 15"
5064 Painted Duck Decoy Wood Sign 39x17"
5065 The Target 1 Cent Coin Operated Gaming Machine Table Top with Key - Chicago, IL 18x12"
5080 Get Kist Tin Sign - Kenton, OH 7.5x22.5"
5081 Pepsi-Cola Bottle Cap Metal Embossed Sign - St. Louis, Mo 38"
5082 Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles Enamel Button Sign 36"
5084 Donasco Mason's The Creamy Foam-Topped Root Beer Advertisement Thermometer 9.5x26.5"
5086 Marathon Travel Service Metal Info Holder 8.5x3x12"
5087 Phillips 66 Plastic Maps Display Case 14x18"
5088 Burma Shave/That's Rough Painted Wood Double Sided Sign 40x11"
5090 Burma Shave/ Violet's Are Blue Painted Wood Double Sided Sign (wood is split in half) 40x 11"
5091 Orange Crush Plastic Sign Insert 12x12"
5092 Drink Coca-Cola In Bottles Double Sided Cardboard Sign by Greer Industries Framed - Fayetteville, NC 37x24"
5093 Likly Luggage Tin Embossed Sign 23x12"
5094 The Donaldson Art Sign Co. Drink Lime Cola in Bottles Tin Sign Montgomery, AL 27.5x9.5"
5095 Knickerbocker Tin Serving Tray, Have a Knick 12"
5096 Mobiloil Gargoyle Vacuum Oil Company Enamel Flange Double Sided Sign 24x15.5"
5097 Framed Sealtest Ice Cream "Get the Best" Paper Advertisement 21x10"
5098 Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles Clock, Swihart Products - Elwood, Indiana (some paint loss on face, clock works but lights do not) 14.5"
5099 Orange Crush "Thirsty? Crush that Thirst!" Metal Advertising Thermometer 13x5.75"
5100 Fairy Soap Enamel "Have You A Little Fairy In Your Home?" Sign 7x10"
5101 Insulite Head Quarters Home Improvement Double Sided Sign 13x18"
5102 Vicks for Colds Enamel Sign 3.75x7.75"
5103 Tums For The Tummy, Tums Quick Relief Metal Thermometer 4"x 9"
5104 Enamel Fourth Grade Sign 10x2.5"
5105 Anola Frappe Cardstock Heart Advertisement 12x12"
5106 Embosograph Display Co. Chicago, IL Diet Pepsi "Someone Will Be Watching" Plastic Advertising Mirror 20x14"
5107 G. Heileman Brewing Co. Commemorative Tray 12.5"
5108 Schlitz Beer "The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous" Plastic Tray 13"
5109 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer "PABST. Good Old-Time Flavor" Plastic Tray 13"
5110 Richardson Root Beer "Rich in Flavor" Embossed Tin Sign 23.5x8.5"
5111 Enjoy Dixi-Cola in Bottles Tin Sign
5112 Borax is King "Softens Water Saves Cleans and Whitens Clothes" Tin Sign 11x17"
5113 Drink Dr. Pepper "Come and Get It" Tin Sign 13x17"
5114 Grapette Soda "Imitation Grape Flavor" Enamel Oval Sign 17x10"
5115 Teem "Lemon & Lime teamed up just right" Metal Advertising Thermometer (bottom is bent) 12x28"
5116 Sealtest Ices "Keep Cool with Sealtest Ices" Paper Advertising with Plastic Frame 21x10"
5117 Sealtest "Get the Best...Get Sealtest Ice Cream" Paper Advertising with Plastic Frame 21x10"
5118 Try Schenkels "Grapefruit Drink with that Lemon Tang" Metal Sign with Polar Bear Tool Rental on Reverse 14x16"
5119 Royal Crown Cola "The Fresher Refresher" Metal Sign MCA-1166 54.5x18"
5120 Drink Coca Cola Tin Sign MCA 4-50 - 11.5x33.5"
5121 Penta "Sold Here Treated Posts and Poles - Look Better Last Longer and They're Clean!" Embossed Tin Sign, DOW, TTW-571, Made in USA - 23.5x35.5"
5122 Trop-Artic Oil To Go Plastic Price Sign 13"x17"
5123 Drink Cocoa Cola Plastic Menu Board 8"x29"
5124 Gold Bond "Building Products - National Gypsum Company" Metal Sign MCA-252 36"x27"
5125 For Sale Wood Painted Sign 23"x8"
5126 Falstaff Brewing Corporation Reproduction Metal Advertisement, No. 5706, St. Louis, MO - 24"
5127 Larson Clay Pipe Co., Detroit, MI Advertising Sign 27x19"
5129 Enjoy Coca-Cola "Today's Bargain" Plastic Sign 22.5x12"
5131 Coca-Cola "Take Home a Carton" Double Sided Round Metal Sign Made by Industrial Arts Inc. Atl. - Made in USA, (some damage)
5132 Navy Cut "Nelson At Chatham in 1770" Framed Print 18x19.5"
5133 Wheeling Corrugating Company "The Original and Only Super Channeldrain Roofing" Tin Sign with Cardboard Backing - Wheeling, WV - 28.5x22.5"
5134 Thermo Denatured Alcohol "Protect Your Radiator with Non-Rusting Thermo" Metal Thermometer by W.F. Robinson Steel & Iron Co. - Springfield, OH - 38.5x8"
5135 Get Sakrete, Make Somthing Metal Embossed Sign by Sakrete, Inc., Cincinnati, OH 28x20"
5136 Pepsi "Say 'Pepsi, Please" Chalkboard Message Board M-167, Made in USA by Stout Sign Co., St. Louis, MO 19.5x30"
5137 Borden's Ice Cream "Elsie" Double Sided Metal Painted Sign M-H Co. 535 - 44x24"
5138 Quality Weyerhaeuser 4-Square "Products... and Services" Metal Double Sided Sign by A-M Sign Co., Lynchburg, VA, 12-56 - 20x20"
5139 Drink Coca-Cola Cardboard Chalkboard Message Board by Niagara Litho, Co. 16.5x29"
5140 Drink Coca-Cola "Talk about refreshing" Cardboard Advertising with Wood Frame by Kay Displays, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI 21x32"
5141 Bell System Public Telephone Double Sided Enamel Flange Sign 18x18"
5142 Drink White Rock "The Leading Mineral Water" Tin Sign 4x10"
5143 Collinson's Tea Enamel Sign 8x12"
5144 (2) Chesterfield "Regular & King-Size Chesterfield Best for You" Tin Signs 2x20"
5145 Safety Zone Round Metal Sign with Pipe Mount 18"
5146 Red Goose Shoes "for Boys and Girls" Tin Sign - Mullins Hardware, Salt Lick, KY 10x20"
5147 Sun Spot "Drink America's Favorite, Made with Real Orange Juice" Embossed Tin Sign M-47-100 by Scisto Sign Co., Kenton, OH 11.5x14.5"
5148 Grant's Cherry Whiskey Tin Sign Wedekind & Co. London E.C. 10x12.75"
5149 Bell System Public Telephone Round Enamel Sign No. 22 (with damage) 7"
5150 Nectar Tea Enamel Sign Enamel Co. Ltd. B'Ham & London 21x13"
5151 Western Mills Indian Chief Flour Bag from Brewers Mill Bremen, Indiana 5lbs
5155 Cracker Jack Enamel Sign 6x12"
5169 Falstaff Advertising Tin Sign Reproduction (with original box) 24"
5170 Dual Parking Meter (only has key to top portion)
5174 Double Nugget Peanut 1 Cent Vending Machine (missing 1 jar)15"
5201 Schenkel's Galvanized All Star Dairy Milk Box 10x12x13"
5202 American Telephone & Telegraph Enamel Sign 8x8"
5203 Canada Dry "Drink Canada Dry Spur 5 Cent" Sign 660-4 6x8"
5204 Coca-Cola Metal Robertson Thermometer 16x5"
5247 Sanyo Pacinko Machine (no key)
5316 Bell System Underground Telephone Cable - DO NOT DISURB Enamel sign 3.5x7"
5317 Alka-Seltzer Lighted Metal Sign, works 24 x 5 1/2"
6007 Cocoa Cola 1950s Metal "Drink Coca-Cola Ice Cold" Cooler, model WD10, Serial #08554562 (untested) 45" x 26" x 34"
6089 Coin Operated Peerless Weighing Machine with Keys 71" H
6090 Joy Ball Swastika Bagatelle Pinball Machine, 5-Cent Coin-Op Game on turned legs 25" x 25" x 36"
10000 Stewart seed aluminum embossed sign - retains plastic protector 22.5x34"
10001 8- Standard oil "The Master" & Mobiloil bottles and carrier
10002 Ed Allen Gutwein seed dealer double sided embossed sign by Press Sign Co. St. Louis, Mo 24x26"
10003 The Philip Carey Company wood crate end 17x45"
10004 P-A-G seed EXP 20065 hardboard sign 18x24"
10005 Gutwein seed "Corn At Its Best" Hardboard sign 16x20"
10006 Bear seed hardboard sign by Scioto Signs Kenton, Ohio 19x19"
10007 Dekalb double sided spinner sign topper 18"
10008 Indiana Beach Lake Shafer embossed tin sign 10x28"
10009 Adler's Seed Dealer sign on hardboard 18x24"
10010 Grange Insurance double side metal sign 24x18"
10011 Todd Seeds Quality Hybrid thermometer, glass bezel 12"
10012 Kaff-A metal bucket by Consolidated Products Company - Danville, Ill. 25lbs. - Empty
10013 Kaff-A bucket milk replacer Consolidated Products Co. - Danville, Ill. 25lbs - empty
10014 Dixie Chopper "The world's fastest lawn mower" neon sign, model Platinum-10000-30 - works 32x13"
10015 Metal Red Coaster wagon 15x31"
10020 Mobiloil "A" Gargoyle Vacuum Oil Co. New York wood tote 11x16x10"
10021 Ray-o-Vac batteries "Buy Spares Today" metal display by Advance Display Co. Chicago 18x6.5"
10022 Texas Brangus Breeders Association Member enamel sign 14x20"
10023 Ted's Creamy Root Beer embossed tin sign by Desperate Sign Co. Wadsworth, OH 15x10"
10024 2006 Oliver OC-12 Diesel Crawler by toy truckin construction show in box 1/16 scale
10025 John Deere 6410 tractor 2005 Michigan FFA Foundation Limited Edition 8th in Series in box 1/16 scale
10026 FFA Member Lives Here embossed sign, B. LOFTIS, 9.5X13.5"
10027 Bell underground telephone cable "DO NOT DISTURB" enamel sign 3.5x7"
10028 New Paris Creamery CO. "Cool Milk Quickly In Cold Water To 60°" Masonite Thermometer - New Paris, IND 8.5"
10029 Pabst Blue Ribbon "Good old time flavor" message board 17x26"
10030 HEP tin embossed sign "Get HEP for yourself - A Delightful Drink, A Healthful Pick Up" 20 x 13.5"
10031 Gargoyle Mobiloil "E" Ford cars "Make the Chart Your Guide" enamel double sided sign 8.5"
10032 Mobilgas Dealer plaque enamel sign 7.5x7"
10033 Metal Mobil box 10.5x14.5x3"
10034 Drink Pepsi:Cola metal 6 pack carrier
10035 Drink Coca-Cola Masonite thermometer - has damage, AM-4-5 6.5x17"
10036 1994 White 700 toy show tractor Oversville, Iowa 1/16 scale
10037 John Deere 730 Desk clock by Danbury Mint - appears to be new in opened box
10038 1842 Iroquois Beverage Corp. Embossed wall plaque 12"
10039 Lyle Vaubel Recommends Green Colonial Furnaces tin embossed sign by Corn States Adv., Des Moines 12x16 "
10040 Anco Rain-Master Windshield Wiper Blades and Arms Display Cabinet New "Dead-Locker" Model DL with Road Map Assortment As Shown In Pictures, By Anderson 12x9x12"
10041 GoodYear Flexible Radiator Hose display rack wall mount 35x10"
10042 12- Amoco Fertilizer Plant "As you farm ask us" New Paris, IND mug jars
10043 Products of the Pure Oil Company glass globe panels in plastic frame reproduction 16"
10044 Blue Sunoco glass globe panels in plastic frame reproduction 16"
10045 Shell Gasoline Plastic emblem 11x12"
10046 Gulf Good enamel sign 8.5x11.5"
10047 Gulf No-nox enamel sign 11.5x8.5"
10048 Pure-Pep "Be sure with Pure" enamel sign I.R. 48, 712 10x12"
10049 Standard White Crown enamel sign by Standard Oil Company Product AD 3-904, i.r. 5-51 15x12"
10050 Drink Coca-Cola Boat tail PAM clock 15x15"
10051 Pair Tokheim gas pump panels, Fort Wayne, IND 18x12"
10052 Pepsi embossed thermometer, Say "Pepsi please" - some paint residue by Stout Sign Co. St. Louis, MO 28x7"
10053 Royal Crown Cola painted metal thermometer "Test by Taste Test" 25x9"
10054 Dad's Old Fashioned Root Beer tin sign mounted on board 12.5x22.5"
10055 Pabst Blue Ribbon "Open" framed cardstock sign 11.5x22.5"
10056 Golden's Blue Ribbon Cigar framed cardstock sign 17.5x37.5"
10057 America's Taste Sensation Nichol Kola "Twice as Good" tin embossed sign by Parker Metal Sign Co. 35.75x12"
10058 Drink Canada Dry Spur "It's A Finer Cola" sign S-148-3, MCA 11/47 26x22"