Expanding Your Horizon, Generation After Generation
Open house/inspection:
Location: 1582 W. State Road 114, North Manchester, IN 46962
Metzger Online Coin & Currency Auction
Morgan & Peace Silver Dollars inc. 1921 Peace • Silver Rounds • Barber Coins • 2 & 3 Cent Coins • Silver Certificates • Kennedy Halves • Seated & Mercury Dimes • Wheat & Lincoln Cents • Proof Sets • Coin Books • Standing & Walking Halves • Washington Quarters & More!
Bid now through, Sunday, April 13, 2025 - Lots begin closing at 6 pm
Pickup for items will be the next day, Monday, April 14, 2025 in the afternoon; the exact details to be in your winning invoice!
Location: 1582 W. State Road 114, North Manchester, IN 46962
This auction will not have tax, but will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.
Bid now through, Sunday, April 13, 2025 - Lots begin closing at 6 pm
Pickup for items will be the next day, Monday, April 14, 2025 in the afternoon; the exact details to be in your winning invoice!
Location: 1582 W. State Road 114, North Manchester, IN 46962
This auction will not have tax, but will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.
1200 1987-S Silver American Eagle Proof
1201 1988-S Silver American Eagle Proof
1202 1991-S Silver American Eagle Proof
1203 1998 Silver Proof Set
1204 2005 Silver Proof Set
1205 2003 Silver Proof Set
1206 1992 Columbus Quincentenary Silver Dollar – Half Dollar Proof Set
1207 2001 Capitol Visitor Silver Proof Dollar
1208 1992 White House Proof Silver Dollar
1209 1987 Constitution Proof Silver Dollar
1210 1853 Seated Liberty Dime
1211 1862 Seated Liberty Half Dime
1212 1865 3¢ Coin [Nickel Three Cent]
1213 1877 Seated Liberty Dime
1214 1893 Columbian Half Dollar
1215 1941 Mercury Dime
1216 1942 Mercury Dime
1217 1943 Mercury Dime
1218 1944 Mercury Dime
1219 1945 Mercury Dime
1220 1865 2¢ Coin
1221 1893 Columbian Expo Half Dollar
1222 1893-O Barber Quarter
1223 1878-CC Morgan Silver Dollar
1224 1899 Barber Quarter
1225 1915-D Barber Quarter
1226 1917 Standing Liberty Quarter
1227 1926-S Standing Liberty Quarter
1228 1998 Silver Proof Set
1229 1921 Peace Silver Dollar
1230 1922 Peace Silver Dollar
1231 1922 Peace Silver Dollar
1232 1922 Peace Silver Dollar
1233 1922-D Peace Silver Dollar
1234 1922-D Peace Silver Dollar
1235 1922-S Peace Silver Dollar
1236 1923 Peace Silver Dollar
1237 1923 Peace Silver Dollar
1238 1923 Peace Silver Dollar
1239 1923 Peace Silver Dollar
1240 1923-S Peace Silver Dollar
1241 1923-D Peace Silver Dollar
1242 1923-D Peace Silver Dollar
1243 1924 Peace Silver Dollar
1244 1924 Peace Silver Dollar
1245 1925 Peace Silver Dollar
1246 1925 Peace Silver Dollar
1247 1925 Peace Silver Dollar
1248 1926 Peace Silver Dollar
1249 1926 Peace Silver Dollar
1250 1926-S Peace Silver Dollar
1251 1927 Peace Silver Dollar
1252 1928-S Peace Silver Dollar
1253 1934-D Peace Silver Dollar
1254 1934-D Peace Silver Dollar
1255 1934-S Peace Silver Dollar
1256 1935 Peace Silver Dollar
1257 1935 Peace Silver Dollar
1258 1935-S Peace Silver Dollar
1259 1921-1935 Peace Dollar Folder w/ 5- Peace Silver Dollars
1260 1835 Large Cent Full Liberty
1261 1837 Large Cent Full Liberty
1262 1847 Large Cent Full Liberty
1263 1850 Large Cent
1264 1864 2¢ Coin Small Motto
1265 1864 2¢ Coin Large Motto
1266 1863 Indian Penny Full Liberty
1267 1874 Indian Penny Full Liberty
1268 1894 Indian Penny Full Liberty
1269 1900 Indian Penny Full Liberty
1270 1819 Large Cent
1271 1820 Dime
1272 1827 Large Cent
1273 1847 Large Cent
1274 1849 Large Cent
1275 1849 Large Cent
1276 1851 Large Cent
1277 1852 Large Cent
1278 1852 Large Cent
1279 1853 Large Cent
1280 1979-S TY-2 Susan B Anthony Dollar
1281 1976 $2 Bill - possibly uncirculated
1282 6 - $1 Silver Certificates 1935-D, 1957
1283 5- 1957 $1 Silver Certificates Uncirculated Blue Seal A+B
1289 6 - 1957 $1 Silver Certificates
1295 1878-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1296 1881-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1297 1883-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1298 1884 Morgan Silver Dollar
1299 1884-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1300 1885 Morgan Silver Dollar
1301 1885-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1302 1886 Morgan Silver Dollar
1303 1887 Morgan Silver Dollar
1304 1888-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1305 1889 Morgan Silver Dollar
1306 1890 Morgan Silver Dollar
1307 1990-CC Carson City Morgan Silver Dollar
1308 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar
1309 1897-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1310 1898 Morgan Silver Dollar
1311 1900 Morgan Silver Dollar
1312 1901-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1313 1902-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1314 1904-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1315 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1316 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1317 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1318 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1319 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1320 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1321 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1322 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1323 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1324 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1325 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1326 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1327 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1328 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1329 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1330 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1331 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1332 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1333 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1334 1 Oz Silver Buffalo Round Mint
1335 1892 Barber Quarter
1336 1893 Barber Quarter
1337 1894 Barber Quarter
1338 1894-S Barber Quarter
1339 1895 Barber Quarter
1340 1896 Barber Quarter
1341 1897 Barber Quarter
1342 1898 Barber Quarter
1343 1899 Barber Quarter
1344 1900 Barber Quarter
1345 1901 Barber Quarter
1346 1902 Barber Quarter
1347 1903 Barber Quarter
1348 1904 Barber Quarter
1349 1905 Barber Quarter
1350 1906 Barber Quarter
1351 1907 Barber Quarter
1352 1907 Barber Quarter
1353 1908-O Barber Quarter
1354 1909 Barber Quarter
1355 1910 Barber Quarter
1356 1912 Barber Quarter
1357 1913 Barber Quarter
1358 1914 Barber Quarter
1359 1915-D Barber Quarter
1360 1916-D Barber Quarter
1361 1926 Standing Liberty Quarter
1362 1927 Standing Liberty Quarter
1363 1928 Standing Liberty Quarter
1364 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter
1365 1959 Washington Quarter
1366 1960 Washington Quarter
1367 1960-D Washington Quarter
1368 1961 Washington Quarter
1369 1963-D Washington Quarter
1370 1964-D Washington Quarter
1371 1971-P Washington Quarter
1372 1971-D Washington Quarter
1373 1972-D Washington Quarter
1374 1977-D Washington Quarter
1375 1980-D Washington Quarter
1376 1980-S Washington Quarter
1377 1981-D Washington Quarter
1378 1982-S Washington Quarter
1379 1982-P Washington Quarter
1380 1982-D Washington Quarter
1381 1995 Washington Quarter
1382 1996-S Washington Quarter
1383 1997-S Washington Quarter
1384 1998-S Washington Quarter
1385 1907 Barber Half Dollar
1386 1907 Barber Half Dollar
1387 1907-D Barber Half Dollar
1388 1907-O Barber Half Dollar
1389 1908 Barber Half Dollar
1390 1908-D Barber Half Dollar
1391 1908-S Barber Half Dollar
1392 1908-O Barber Half Dollar
1393 1909 Barber Half Dollar
1394 1912 Barber Half Dollar
1395 1917 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1396 1917-D Rev Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1397 1918-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1398 1920 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1399 1920-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1400 1927-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1401 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1402 1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1403 1936-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1404 1938-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1405 1939 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1406 1939-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1407 1939-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1408 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1409 1941-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1410 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1411 1942-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1412 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1413 1944 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1414 1946 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1415 1949 Franklin Half Dollar
1416 1949-D Franklin Half Dollar
1417 1950 Franklin Half Dollar
1418 1951 Franklin Half Dollar
1419 1951-S Franklin Half Dollar
1420 1951-D Franklin Half Dollar
1421 1952 Franklin Half Dollar
1422 1952 Franklin Half Dollar
1423 1952-S Franklin Half Dollar
1424 1952-D Franklin Half Dollar
1425 1953 Franklin Half Dollar
1426 1954 Franklin Half Dollar
1427 1958 Franklin Half Dollar
1428 1958-D Franklin Half Dollar
1429 1962 Franklin Half Dollar
1430 1962 Franklin Half Dollar
1431 1962-D Franklin Half Dollar
1432 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar
1433 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar
1434 1963-D Franklin Half Dollar
1435 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar
1436 1964-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1437 1965 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
1438 1966 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
1439 1967 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
1440 1968-D 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
1441 1968-D 40% Silver Kennedy Half Dollar
1442 1987-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1443 1987-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1444 2010-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1445 1979-S Ty-2 Kennedy Half Dollar
1446 1989-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1447 1990-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1448 1991-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1449 1992-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1450 1993-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1451 1995-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1452 1996-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1453 1997-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1454 1998-S Kennedy Half Dollar
1455 2010-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1456 2011-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1457 2011-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1458 2011-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1459 2012-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1460 2012-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1461 2013-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1462 2013-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1463 2014-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1464 2014-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1465 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1466 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1467 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1468 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1469 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1470 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1471 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1472 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1473 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1474 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1475 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1476 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1477 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1478 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1479 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1480 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1481 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1482 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1483 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1484 2012 1 Oz Silver Eagle Mint
1485 10 Buffalo Nickels Various Years
1495 10 Buffalo Nickels Various Years
1505 4-Jefferson Nickels 1979-S, 1979-P/D, 1980-D Proof/Mint
1506 4- Jefferson Nickels 1989-S, 1989-P/D, 1990-P Proof/Mint
1507 4- Jefferson Nickels 1990-S, 1990-P/D, 1991-D Proof/Mint
1508 4- Jefferson Nickels 1991-S, 1991-P/D, 1992-D Proof/Mint
1509 4- Jefferson Nickels 1992-S 1992-P/D, 1992-D Proof Mint
1510 4- Jefferson Nickels 1993-S, 1993-P/D, 1984-D Proof/Mint
1511 4- Jefferson Nickels 1995-S, 1995-P/D, 1996-D Proof/Mint
1512 4- Jefferson Nickels 1996-S, 1996-P/D, 1997-P Proof/Mint
1513 4- Jefferson Nickels 1997-S, 1997-P/D, 1998-D Proof/Mint
1514 4- Jefferson Nickels 1998-S, 1998-P/D, 1999-P Proof/Mint
1515 1879-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1516 1879-S Morgan Silver Dollar
1517 1881 Morgan Silver Dollar
1518 1884 Morgan Silver Dollar
1519 1887-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1520 1889 Morgan Silver Dollar
1521 1889 Morgan Silver Dollar
1522 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1523 1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1524 1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1525 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar
1526 1889 Morgan Silver Dollar
1527 1889-D Morgan Silver Dollar
1528 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1529 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1530 1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1531 1890-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1532 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1533 1889-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1534 1900 Morgan Silver Dollar
1535 1900-O Morgan Silver Dollar
1536 1921 Morgan Silver Dollar
1537 1902 Barber Quarter
1538 1911 Barber Quarter
1539 1907-S Barber Half Dollar
1540 1909-O Barber Half Dollar
1541 1907 Barber Dime
1542 1917 Mercury Dime
1543 1918 Mercury Dime
1544 1941-S Mercury Dime
1545 1858 Flying Eagle 1891-Indian 1909-Lincoln 1859-Lincoln
1546 1979-S Ty-2 Lincoln Penny
1547 1989-S Lincoln Penny
1548 1990-S Lincoln Penny
1549 1991-S Lincoln Penny
1550 1992-S Lincoln Penny
1551 1993-S Lincoln Penny
1552 1995-S Lincoln Penny
1553 1996-S Lincoln Penny
1554 1997-S Lincoln Penny
1555 1998-S Lincoln Penny
1556 1982-Commemorative Washington Half Dollar
1557 1998-Silver Proof Set
1558 1983 Proof Set
1559 1984 Proof Set
1560 1985 Proof Set
1561 1986 Proof Set
1562 1987 Proof Set
1563 1988 Proof Set
1564 2000 Proof Set
1565 2001 Proof Set
1566 2002 Proof Set
1567 2003 Proof Set
1568 2004 Proof Set
1569 2005 Proof Set
1570 2006 Proof Set
1571 2007 Proof Set
1572 2010 Proof Set
1573 2011 Proof Set
1574 2014 Proof Set
1575 2015 Proof Set
1576 2012-P Native American Dollar
1577 2012-D Native American Dollar
1578 2014-D Native American Dollar
1579 2015-P Native American Dollar
1580 2016-P Native American Dollar
1581 2016-D Native American Dollar
1582 2017-D Native American Dollar
1583 2018-D Native American Dollar
1584 2018-P Native American Dollar
1585 2019-P Native American Dollar
1586 2019-D Native American Dollar
1587 1971-D Ike Dollar
1588 1972-P Ike Dollar
1589 1972-D Ike Dollar
1590 1776-1976 Ike Dollar
1591 1776-1976-D Ike Dollar
1592 4- Ike Dollars
1593 5 – Susan B Anthony Dollars
1594 4 – Native American Dollars
1595 4 – Native American Dollars
1596 1917-S Rev Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1597 1920 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1598 1927-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1599 1929-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1600 1933-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1601 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1602 1934 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1603 1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1604 1934-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1605 1936 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1606 1939 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1607 1939-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1608 1940 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1609 1940 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1610 1940-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1611 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1612 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1613 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1614 1941 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1615 1941-D Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1616 1941-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1617 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1618 1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1619 1942-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1620 1942-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1621 1942-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1622 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1623 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1624 1943-S Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1625 1943 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1626 Franklin Half Dollar Folder 11 Coins
1627 1964 Kennedy Half Dollar
1628 1967 Kennedy Half Dollar
1629 1968-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1630 1971-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1631 1972 Kennedy Half Dollar
1632 1776-1976-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1633 1972-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1634 1982-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1635 1983-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1636 1983-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1637 2014-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1638 2014-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1639 2015-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1640 2015-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1641 2016-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1642 2016-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1643 2016-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1644 2016-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1645 2017-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1646 2018-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1647 2019-P Kennedy Half Dollar
1648 2019-D Kennedy Half Dollar
1649 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 1967, 1968-D, 1988, 1989
1650 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 1967, 1968-D, 1992-P, 2015-P
1651 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 1967, 1968-D, 1971-D, 1981-D
1652 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 1967, 1968-D, 1971-D, 1985-D
1653 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 2010-P, 2011-P, 2012-P, 2012-D
1654 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 2011-P, 2011-D, 2013-P, 2012-D
1655 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 2011-D, 2013-P, 2014-D, 2015-D
1656 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 2015-P, 2015-D, 2016-D, 2017-P
1657 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars 2013-D, 2017-D, 2018-D, 2019-P
1658 4 – Kennedy Half Dollars, 2013-D, 2016-D, 2019-P, 2019-D
1659 5 – Kennedy Half Dollars
1660 5 – Kennedy Half Dollars
1661 1941-S Washington Quarter
1662 1942-S Washington Quarter
1663 1945 Washington Quarter
1664 1946 Washington Quarter
1665 1948-S Washington Quarter
1666 1949-D Washington Quarter
1667 1951-D Washington Quarter
1668 1955 Washington Quarter
1669 1956 Washington Quarter
1670 1964 Washington Quarter
1671 4 - Washington Quarters 1960-P, 1961-P, 1963-D, 1964-D
1672 4 - Washington Quarters 1960-P, 1960-D, 1963-D, 1964-D
1673 4 – Washington Quarters 1964, 1964-D, 1971-P, 1981-P
1674 4 - Washington Quarters 1961-P, 1964-D, 1997-P, 1997-D
1675 4 – Washington Quarters 1960-D, 1963-D, 1981-P, 1981-D
1676 4 – Washington Quarters 1968, 1971-D, 1977, 1981-D
1677 7 Silver Washington Quarters
1678 Littleton Washington Quarter Album – 1968-1998 (65 Coins)
1679 5 – Liberty “V” Nickels
1680 5 – Liberty “V” Nickels
1681 11 Buffalo Nickels Various Years
1692 12 Buffalo Nickels Various Years
1704 25 – Buffalo Nickels
1705 25 – Buffalo Nickels
1706 25 – Buffalo Nickels
1707 31 – Buffalo Nickels
1708 30 – Buffalo Nickels
1709 15 Jefferson Nickels Various Years
1724 14 Jefferson Nickel Various Years
1738 11 Jefferson Nickels Various Years
1749 5 Jefferson Nickels
1750 5 Jefferson Nickels
1751 5 Jefferson Nickels
1752 5 Jefferson Nickels
1753 5 Jefferson Nickels
1754 5 Jefferson Nickels
1755 5 Jefferson Nickels
1756 5 Jefferson Nickels
1757 20 Jefferson Nickels
1758 34 Jefferson Nickels 2000-2009
1759 13 Jefferson Nickels War Nickels
1760 10 Roosevelt Dimes Various Years
1770 14 Dimes
1771 15 Dimes
1772 10 – Mercury Dimes
1773 10 – Mercury Dimes
1774 1881 Indian Head Penny
1775 1882 Indian Head Penny
1776 1883 Indian Head Penny
1777 1885 Indian Head Penny
1778 1886 Indian Head Penny
1779 1887 Indian Head Penny
1780 1889 Indian Head Penny
1781 1890 Indian Head Penny
1782 1893 Indian Head Penny
1783 1895 Indian Head Penny
1784 1896 Indian Head Penny
1785 1897 Indian Head Penny
1786 1898 Indian Head Penny
1787 1899 Indian Head Penny
1788 1900 Indian Head Penny
1789 1902 Indian Head Penny
1790 1906 Indian Head Penny
1791 1907 Indian Head Penny
1792 1908 Indian Head Penny
1793 1909 Indian Head Penny
1794 5 Indian Head Pennies
1795 6 Indian Head Pennies
1796 14 Wheat Pennies Various Years
1810 4 Wheat Pennies 1913, 1913-D, 1914, 1915-D
1811 4 Wheat Pennies 1913, 1914, 1915-D, 1916
1812 4 Wheat Pennies 1916, 1916-S, 1916-D, 1920
1813 4 Wheat Pennies 1929, 1936, 1927, 1943
1814 4 Wheat Pennies 1935, 1937-D, 1938-D, 1943-D
1815 4 Wheat Pennies, 1929, 1940, 1943, 1943-D
1816 4 Wheat Pennies 1943, 1948, 1954-S, 1955-S
1817 35 Wheat Pennies
1818 25 Wheat Pennies
1819 25 Wheat Pennies
1820 70 Wheat Pennies
1821 70 Wheat Pennies
1822 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968
1823 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1969-S, 1974-S, 1974-D, 1981-D
1824 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1974-S, 1974-D, 1976, 1976-D
1825 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1974-S, 1976, 1977, 1977-D
1826 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1974-S, 1976-D, 1980-D, 1981-D
1827 4 Lincoln Memorial Pennies 1978-D, 1981, 1982, 1982-S
1828 75 Lincoln Memorial/Shield Pennies
1829 75 Lincoln Memorial/Shield Pennies
1830 Whitman Lincoln Cent Collection 1975-2014, 86 Coins
1831 16 Plastic Coin Tubes
All items are sold AS IS, WHERE IS.
All auctions are a soft close, unless otherwise listed, meaning that bidding does not end until all bids are completed. Lots close out 1 at a time. There is a countdown on the lots to let you know how much time remains on that particular lot.
Metzger Property Services reserves the right to reopen an auction if there are technical difficulties, in order to allow for fair bidding. Previous winning bids may no longer be valid in this situation.
Valid Credit Card required for bidding approval. All bidding is in US Dollars (USD). You may pay with Cash, Check, Certified Check, Credit or Debit Card with 4% convenience fee, or Wire Transfer ($25 fee added to each Wire); If you pick your winnings up at our specified time and location for the auction listed above. There is a $5 MINIMUM if you would like to pay with a Card. Any invoices paid with a card that are less than $5 Will Be Rounded Up to Meet the Minimum Requirement.
This auction will have NOT have Sales Tax added to each winning invoice.
This auction will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.
All titled items will have a $25 Administration Fee. It is the buyer’s responsibility to notify us if the address you registered with is different than the one you want the title mailed to. All titles are mailed signature required – no exceptions. There will be a 45 day hold placed on any title for an item that is paid for with a credit card.
If You Do Not Come to The Load Out Time Listed Above, A $10.70 Handling Fee Will Be Added to Your Invoice And Your Card On File Will Be Charged For Your Purchase Total Plus The 4% Convenience Fee.
If the card on file declines, a declined card fee will be added, and the buyer will be blocked until payment is received. The minimum declined card fee that is added is $5.00; If You Have More Than One Declined Invoice Within A 30 Day Period, The Declined Card Fee Will Be $50.00 Per Invoice and That Fee Must Be Paid Before Your Account Can Be Reinstated.
If Your Card Habitually Declines, Metzger Property Services Reserves the Right to Charge A $50 Fee per invoice, Even If It Is Outside The 30-Day Window. Your Balance Due Must Be $0.00 Before Your Account Will Be Reinstated.
If a buyer habitually fails to pick up their items during the allotted time, a $53.50 late fee will be charged on the invoice for the third late pick up and every late pick up invoice following unless other arrangements are made with the office.
For out of state buyers with an invoice total of $500.00 or greater, we reserve the right to ask that funds be in a certified form with either a Certified Check, Money Order or Wire Transfer ($25 fee added to each Wire). We will email you if need to pay in this manner when we send your invoice.
Refunds will not be issued for payment type changes. Please make sure the correct card is on file that you would like charged.
If a buyer has outstanding balances not taken care of, Metzger Property Services, LLC reserves the right to take legal action. Should that occur, the buyer is responsible for the invoice plus all fees associated with the legal process including but not limited to attorney’s fees, filing fees, court costs, interest and late fees.
Metzger Property Services reserves the right to ban a bidder for non-payment, non-compliance, and/or habitual issues.
This auction will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.